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Week 1: August 26th

Please reply to this post with a response of about 300 - 500 words. 
(This is due by Sunday, August 29th.) 

How do you identify or think about yourself as a mathematics learner, doer, and teacher? 
What experiences led you to think this way about yourself as a mathematician and teacher of mathematics?




    WEEK 1

    I have always wanted to be better at Math. It was always a subject that had highs and lows for me. Whenever I would practice math regularly, I would understand the concepts and work faster because I knew I was beginning to familiarize myself with numbers and math language. I would have periods of time that I did not do math and this would be my low moments, because I would be scared to try math again. I would find myself challenged because I felt that it was overwhelming and complicated to learn. I started doing math a little more often and things became easier. My nervousness around test-taking time got less as I improved my math skills.

    I have an engineering and robotics background, so math is key to this field. I hope to become a STEM educator. I have tutored children who struggle in math and I have come to empathize and relate to their issues. I am beginning to see the students’ perspective and their learning inhibitions. This would help me in my problem solving when I have my own classroom. Math is a subject that cannot be learnt like you would History or English. It takes physical practice to memorize and retain what is being taught.

    There are different ways to problem solve in math, and I like that. The fundamentals of math stay the same, but the application has different methods to derive the answers. I often like to ponder how math concepts and laws are applied in our everyday lives in the real world and why bother learning it. I like to give students examples of real world scenarios why we use algebra and calculus or why we use counting in the grocery store, instead of a calculator that does the work for us.

    I teach my son to use manipulatives and pencil and paper to write down addition problems. This gives him a visual, spatial and physical way to remember math, instead of punching numbers into a calculator. I would like all my students to be proficient and excel in math, but they would need to understand it requires patience, persistence and dedication. You have to practice to be good at it. Even if you practice and you’re not good at it, a positive mindset towards succeeding in math helps. I want to be the kind of educator that helps, inspires and guides my students to success in math. I want to give students the confidence they need to handle math.

  2. As a mathematics learner it takes me some proper visual activities for me to understand and work. Math isn’t my best subject depending on the topics, some topics can be easy to grasp and learn and others just make thinking extra hard. As a student in elementary math, it was fun to me there were a lot of differences in shapes, patterns, colors, worksheets that teachers made, or hands-on activities my teacher will do to make it fun and understandable. However, as I got older math got harder and needed more of me this is why sometimes as future math teacher, I know my students will depend on me a lot for extra help and comprehension and I want to be able to teach them but at the same time allowing them to have fun, create and expand their knowledge. This is why I’m a little nervous to teach math because I know that I will have to teach myself to refresh my memory and make sure to find an easy and understandable way to teach math where students won’t be confused and learn. During college math becomes totally different but I feel like there’s a little bit more security because professors actually take their time to explain but also because I feel like the older you get the more experiences you gain so after all those years in school learning different types of math and going through a lot of problem solving you tend to grasp and understand the concept more easily you remember something familiar. Last year, I was working with elementary students in an after school program where one of my jobs was helping them with their homework and they would always bring in math homework and they would always need extra help because they were confused. After this I felt a little better teaching math because even though I didn’t know their unit of study or how their teacher was teaching I still manage to work the problem myself and then later explain it to them, which made me realize I was teaching without even thinking about it and that made me feel ready.

  3. I think about myself as a mathematics learner, doer, and teacher as a person who is interested in math and likes the challenge of new things. The experiences led you to think this way about yourself as a mathematician and teacher of mathematics is due to the math experiences I had when I was a child. I spent a lot of time learning multiplication and essential math that I was told I would be needing every day of my life when I am older. I never really knew what any of that meant until I grew up and only seemed to need more intense and harder equations for school. I noticed I never really needed any other kinds of math besides addition, subtracted, division and multiplication. But I seemed to always use this kind of math is very essential to my everyday math. I hope to teach students this everyday math as well so they can fluently learn these skills to use as they progress in life.

  4. I think about myself as a mathematics learner, doer, and teacher as a person who is interested in math and likes the challenge of new things. The experiences led you to think this way about yourself as a mathematician and teacher of mathematics is due to the math experiences I had when I was a child. I spent a lot of time learning multiplication and essential math that I was told I would be needing every day of my life when I am older. I never really knew what any of that meant until I grew up and only seemed to need more intense and harder equations for school. I noticed I never really needed any other kinds of math besides addition, subtracted, division and multiplication. But I seemed to always use this kind of math is very essential to my everyday math. I hope to teach students this everyday math as well so they can fluently learn these skills to use as they progress in life.

  5. I think that as a mathematics learner it takes me time and practice to understand math and to do math. I don’t dislike math but it hasn’t been one of my strongest subjects to learn while going to school. I know that in order for me to learn math I need to see examples and watch every step of how to solve a problem. I also need time to practice and just try on my own. I remember I used to get nervous when I still needed time to practice and the teacher moved on to something more complicated because I was still processing the previous topic. This sometimes caused me to struggle with math because I didn’t want to say I didn’t understand so the teacher moved on and that’s when I would get lost. I don’t really remember doing hands on activities related to math while growing up. It was mostly just a lecture and solving problems the teacher gave or from the textbook. There were times when I thought math was hard but that didn’t make me hate it. I enjoyed when I was able to understand it and I was able to solve the problems. My least favorite subject is science and the only science I liked was the one that involved math like chemistry. I think math is an interesting subject and as a future teacher I would like to be able to engage students in math. I would like to find ways they can get excited because if they are interested in it then they will pay attention. I hope that I can be able to explain myself so students can understand what I’m teaching. Since I didn’t tell the teacher I couldn’t understand something I would like to be able to detect the students who need more time to understand a topic and not rush on to teaching the next thing.

  6. I identify myself as a pretty decent math student. I enjoyed math in school, especially when it’s math that I’m allowed to/have time to use paper and pencil to do my work. I am not the best at mental math, which is why I say “pretty decent”. All throughout school, I struggled with my times tables, so past the 7 times table, I’m not really that good. As a math teacher, I don’t know how well I’d do, but I am good at explaining different methods of understanding how to do the math. I enjoyed math, and in school I was a little slow, but not so slow that I couldn’t keep up with the class. Because of that, I feel it will be easy for me to teach a class of math students no matter their skill level. I find it easy as a swim teacher to explain different ways of understanding, so I feel with math, I’d be really good at creating scenarios and using math tools to teach a lesson for elementary math. I also like using math tools because they intrigue me the different ways they can be used. I would honestly try to encourage artistic creativity using the math tools when solving problems to make math fun. I want to appeal to all students and I think of this as ways I’d be interested in math MIGHT intrigue others as well. I am excited to learn of the many methods there are to teach math and learn to use different tools for math. I’ve seen some, since my sister brought some home at one point, but only used them once. We used fraction bars to compare to already labeled fractions to see the fraction and we compared fractions to see what’s equivalent. It was easy but fun.

  7. Math is not an easy subject, therefore requires consistency in learning and a hard work. I feel very comfortable with math as it used to be one of my favorite subjects in middle school and high school. I used to feel very confident in math during high school because during those years my mom hired a math tutor so I would not have any difficulties during class. However when I moved to the US, I struggled. Maybe it was the professor, or maybe it was the language barrier and the terms that I was not used to. But it got better overtime, and my confidence level is high up again.
    As a math teacher, I believe will do well. It might be challenging at first but it is very important to choose the right methods to make math fun and have children engage in a lesson. I am very exciting about student teaching as I will be learning a lot in how to develop a lesson plan, have children participate and how to help the struggling students.

  8. I believe I am adept as a mathematics doer, adequate as a mathematics learner, and an amateur as a mathematics teacher. Math has always been my strongest subject, I aced my third-grade math state test, scored high on the math sections of the SHSAT and SAT (unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the English sections), and I earned As on all of my math-related college courses. As a mathematics doer, I find I am quick to replicate the steps to find solutions and can remember them with little repetition. However, I would say I am adequate as a mathematics learner because, in my focus and haste in finding solutions to mathematics problems, I often overlook the understanding portion of it. I believe this was best demonstrated by the difference in my grades between the old and new common core regents. As a high school graduate of 2018, I was both fortunately and unfortunately used as a guinea pig to test the implementation of the common core curriculum, where I had to take both the old regents and new common core regents. I scored much higher on the old regents for both geometry and trigonometry, partly because my teachers focused on preparing us for it, but I believe it was also because the common core version tested for the understanding of math concepts on top of the ability to solve math problems. Of course, at the time, I shared the common sentiment that the common core math curriculum just overcomplicated math for no good reason. After all, all that matters is that you can solve the problems, right? But as I took higher-level mathematics and was exposed to elementary common core math curriculum while working in after schools and summer camps, I began to recognize the importance of understanding math concepts. I found this to be most apparent in the “last” math class I took in college, that being multivariable calculus. I can confidently say that while I was able to do well in the class and solved all the problems my professor threw at me, I barely understood any of the concepts behind them. I felt uneasy taking the class and felt as if I was just going through the motions the entire time. This summer, I worked at a summer rising program, where my co-teacher was kind enough to let me try to teach math. While I believe I did a passable job in cramming an entire school year’s worth of material into seven weeks, I still have a long way to go. More importantly, I saw the same uneasiness I felt taking multivariable calculus reflected in my students, as I found it very difficult to not only teach students to do the math, but also to understand it.

  9. As I graduated from elementary school to middle school and to high school, the more confused and complicated math would be for me. In order for me to learn math and understand it, I need to really focus and not be distracted and I need it shown to me step by step multiple times until I fully grasped the steps. I’m not the fastest learner when it comes to math so I need extra time and assistance. I am the same way when doing math. I remember my high school pre-calculus teacher would teach the lesson then break up the class in three sections, one section was for those who need extra help, one for the students who understand and only need minor supervision to make sure they’re doing it right, and the third group who wanted a challenge. There wasn’t one day when I wasn’t in the first group. It’s helpful when I’m guided on how to start a problem and someone is looking over to make sure I am doing it right. But math wasn’t always a stressful subject. In elementary school, math was simple and fun. I loved taking the multiplication tests and I would try to finish as fast as I could because I wanted to be the first, to prove to my teachers that I understood it and that it was easy. When I returned home after school, I would do my math homework first because it was the easiest. But that started changing after seventh grade when math would get a more complicated for me. I’m confident in being a mathematics teacher, but only for elementary school. I would help my younger brother with his math homework when he was in elementary and it was very simple and easy to teach him. I just hope that students will be able to understand me when I explain it because sometimes I phrased things in a confusing way.

  10. Math has been my favorite subject since I was young. When I think about myself as a mathematics learner and doer, I was happy when I solve each problem correctly. I remember when I was younger, even though I can be behind in some areas, once I follow examples and practice a lot, I would solve them with clear steps. Not until high school, I realized I’m not good at math, but I was still happy whenever I was able to solve through them. It was harder process as the topics grew more difficult for me, but when I have a visual layout to help guide me step by step and practice from there, it helps me a lot in learning better. Whenever I was taught new topics and teachers would show examples, I would write them all down so I can go over them and test them myself to a have a better understanding. So based on my experiences with math, when I think myself as a teacher of mathematics, I would find different strategies to use and help analyze the problems for students. Strategies I would consider in using would be visual and hands-on activities because this would help motivated the students in being more interested in learning and solving them. I would use different kind of strategies, and not only the same one all the time because students can lose interest, and some strategies can work better for some students, while other strategies can work better for other students. Just like when I learn math, I’m the type who process the problems slower and need to break it down for an easier understanding. Understanding this struggle, I would like to analyze how each student learn and incorporate the strategies within their pace as a future educator. I want to learn the best way and how to be more creative with ideas.

  11. As a mathematics learner and doer, I always struggle in math. When it came to attending these classes I always used to get nervous if I would be able to understand it or not. I always have to put in more effort when it comes to studying the topic. Overall what I feel that lowered my confidence in math is the grades and time limit on the exams. Some teachers would give you points for showing work and making an effort in solving the problem but unfortunately others would not. I think math can be more fun if it was graded by the effort one puts into solving the question and having unlimited time to solve problems. I believe as a future teacher I would try to make students feel as comfortable as possible with the subject. I would like my future students to know that trying to solve a question is what really counts. Therefore my future students will receive all help and resources from me so that they can be confident in being a math learner.

  12. As a mathematics learner, I thought I still did not learn well in math. I am not good at understanding math, such as solving math problems and knowing well about some definitions in math. However,I still have a passion for mathematics.
    I was confused in math during grade 1-2, so my grade was terrible in math, the change happened in my grade 3. I don’t know if it’s because I grew up and became smarter, or because the teacher said in detail, my mathematics scores have improved by leaps and bounds. I can understand what the teacher means, and I can also understand math topics, so my mathematics scores can often get 100 in elementary school. However, I failed again when I was in grade 7 in middle school with a new math teacher. He was a serious man. You can feel the stress in his classes. I can’t even breathe when he asks questions, because you would see “you are shitty” in his eyes if you don’t know the answer. Therefore, I was studying harder in math after school. I should thank him because I got good grades in my grade 9 and into a good high school in China. Also, I did well in math during high school in America, because the math problems are similar, and I got a good GPA then into college.
    I realized math is a hard subject after I studied in college. The same confused feeling ”just appears in my mind all the time. My classmates are smarter than me, they can get good scores on exams but I can’t. I was nervous in that term. I was afraid to study math.However, my education professor said “Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn.” Yes, I will be a teacher, how can I stop here? I should give a positive model for my students that never give up. Learning math is as hard as teaching, but I will not give up both of them. I hope to teach my students that persistence is rare. Also, I hope to find a good way to make my students love math and think that math is a funny subject.

  13. As a mathematics learner and doer, I have always been able to learn concepts quickly and even if I had forgotten how to do something later in life, once I was able to reteach it to myself and figure out how to solve one or two problems, it all would come back to me. Math has always been my favorite subject for as long as I could remember, and I was always very confident when it came to math. I’ve always enjoyed doing math and figuring out ways to solve problems. Although, decimals and fractions were my least favorite topic in math I did enjoy many of the other topics especially algebra. I was always able to help/explain to others how to solve a problem or how I was able to solve the problem. When I got to college and had to take Statistics, I was a little intimidated because it was my first-time taking statistics with a lab as well. Once I was able to shake the nerves and really apply myself, I ended up being very successful and really enjoyed the class.

    I think as a math teacher I will do well if I’m able to really breakdown and explain the concepts well to my students. I know from looking at the math work of my niece who is in 5th grade, some of the strategies and ways students are being taught is way different then when I was taught, so I believe that will be a challenge as a math teacher. It will be hard to teach something a totally different way then you learned it, especially so you don’t confuse the students if the way they’ve been learning it is not the same.

    Overall, I’m very excited to be able to learn new strategies for teaching different math topics in a way that students can grasp it and feel confident in math. I want to be able to also find fun/innovative ways to teach math concepts and use the many manipulatives available nowadays to help students get a visual and hands on experience when doing math

  14. The way I think of myself as a mathematics learner is that I may have a hard time to start the problem but once I have the help, I am okay with it. Math wasn’t always my favorite subject in high school but as I got older, I feel like I like it a little bit more. But for me the best way to learn is having the teacher break it down a few times and then I think I’m okay after because I like to break the problem into multi steps to help me with the problem.
    As a future math teacher, I am a little nervous because I’m not sure if I will be able to explain to my students on how to break down the problems, but I feel once I finish this course and my student teaching, I will feel much better to be able to teach my future student. I want to be able to push my students when they are having an issue when solving a math problem. I want to be able to make my students have fun when learning math and not be them scared when they see all the numbers and words in the word problems. I had also used many different website and YouTube video to help me when I used to struggle with a math problem and as a teacher, I want to be able to do the same to my students.

  15. Growing up, I’ve always had good experiences with math. I love math and love figuring out all the numbers and formulas. I’ve always been a quick learner and understood the material quickly too. I’ve done well in all my math classes except in 7th grade and in geometry. I’ve had good math teachers throughout my school years except for 7th grade where I had like 5 different teachers. Each teacher had a different method of teaching and different “rules” to how math should be done. That was the worst year, but surprisingly I still loved math. Algebra and trigonometry were my favorite, although I might need a refresher now. My algebra teacher made algebra so simple and easy to understand. I remember my friend and I breezing through the material and we got to help our classmates that needed a hand. However, I hated geometry. My teacher was a good teacher, but I just couldn’t understand the material and struggled so much. I had to get a tutor, which I hated. I hated feeling like I couldn’t understand. I failed almost every exam and quiz, but somehow I passed with a 68.

    I’m excited to learn how to make math fun and exciting for my students because of the good experiences I’ve had. I hope I can give the same experience I’ve had to my students. I want my students to think that math is super easy to learn. I know that common core standards are different now and that math is a little more difficult because of the different methods teachers have to teach their students for each topic. For example, there are like 3 different ways to teach students how to divide. I think I’ll be a good math teacher and make it enjoyable for my students. I would definitely use cookies or cheerios to make it fun as well. I can’t wait to create my own lesson plans and incorporate fun activities into them.

  16. As a learner and doer I realized I am very detail oriented. So when it came to taking AP Calc in high school, I realized I didn’t understand the concepts so quickly. I learned that I need to go home and break down the concepts for myself. I learn things best when the teachers explained it in school and I am familiar with the concept. Then to fully understand I would often have to go home and break down the concept myself.

    As a future teacher I am nervous. How will I break down these concepts that will seem complex to students like it was for me with math in high school? What are good choice words I can use to break down information? I have a tendency to over complicate concepts sometimes. So I am nervous but I know the best way to learn this would be to be put in a classroom with students.

  17. As a mathematics learner and doer I had a strong start. My parents believed that Math and English were the most important subjects in school, so I had a lot of practice. They were not alway sure about the English work I had, but they were both good at math. In elementary school, my dad would have me do extra worksheets and memorize my multiplication tables. He had me do more mental math rather than using my fingers and paper. This led me to enjoy math throughout elementary and middle school because I really understood the subject. The extra practice I had to do helped me out a lot when it came to elementary math and algebra. Then, I went to high school and it went downhill from there. I struggled a lot when it came to geometry and trigonometry. I was never able to fully understand what the teachers were trying to teach and I couldn’t get it no matter how much help I got. I’m more of a hands-on learner, and because most of the work was notes and solving I feel like that could be part of the reason I wasn’t able to do well. As a mathematics teacher I would want to incorporate all different sorts of learning styles to help understand the concepts better. Most of my teaching experiences with math have been helping students with homework. I will try to explain the problem in different ways so that the students understand better and work with them until they are able to do the next problem on their own.
    When I started working in after and summer schools I realized that I have become a teacher of mathematics. I would look at the students’ work and see that the curriculum changed, so I had to relearn how to solve the problems. I found that there are longer thinking processes like having to draw ten boxes to add and subtract instead of just using the numbers. There’s also a lot more explaining and showing your work involved. I still believe I need a lot more experience and learning before I can actually become a teacher of mathematics, but I hope to learn a lot more and improve my teaching methods through this class.

  18. When I was in Elementary school, my weakness was math; I am not good at dealing with numbers and formulas. I felt that the math I learned was not helpful in daily life. For example, I do not think I will use the trigonometric function in my everyday life. With the development of technology, we invented many tools that can help us solve questions more leisurely. The consequence of the invention is we entirely rely on these tools and forget the basic rules in math. In China, we had to remember all the formulas because we did not have the formulas sheet in the math exam and the calculator.
    After moving to New York, I found out the weak subject became the most vital subject in all subjects. I never got 100 in my maths exam when I was in China; quite to the contrary, most of the time, I got 100 in New York in a maths exam. I found more confidence to answer questions during math classes. I learned a lot of math concepts or knowledge in college when I was in middle school and high school. However, I was still afraid of math because all the math questions were written in English.
    As a math doer, I must learn how the expression is used in math to understand math concepts and questions.
    There were no experiences that led me to think of myself as a math teacher because all my experiences were not good. If I want to find one, it will be the solving math problem methods I learned in China were different from Americans, and I want to combine these two methods to find the most effective way to teach young children math.

  19. As I was growing up, I always struggled with math. I believe it was the way I was taught, as I felt some teachers did not have patience and only used one method to teach the material. As a mathematics learner, I would say I need a bit more time in order to fully understand the work. In addition, I found working in groups to be very helpful throughout schooling due to the support peers give to each other. However, I do enjoy many parts of math, where I relate it to a puzzle that needs to be solved. When I learn math, I feel motivation plays a huge factor, since I liked playing interactive computer math games that stimulated my learning and showed me the engaging part of the subject. It proves that despite struggling, one can learn from difficulty and become successful. During my classroom observations, I also witnessed students’ learning being enhanced through these online games, which shows that using technology in the classroom can have a positive effect on their math education. As a teacher, I feel I would need something interactive for my students to show that they can enjoy math and relate it to their life. For example, I would bring in plastic coins and have the class find the value of the coins. Moreover, when I teach addition or subtraction, I could use their favorite desserts to help them find out how many are left if I take away or increase the amount of something. Throughout elementary school to college, tutoring helped me a lot with math as it gave me one-on-one time to ask any questions I would have that I did not think of during class. From this course and student teaching practice, I believe it will give me guidance in order to become the best math teacher I can be.

  20. As a mathematics learner I feel like I learn fairly quick. As a doer once I get the hang of it I can complete the work, as a teacher I feel like I would be very successful because of the way I would go about teaching the topic. I have always had such amazing teachers who looked out for me and put in extra time and effort to get me to understand the material. I used to struggle with math it was a subject I didn’t like at all and I gave up on it but my teachers never gave up on me. They found ways to help me understand, while trying to make it fun and enjoyable. As I went onto high school I grew a liking for math and after freshmen year my math teachers were horrible so I was left on my own to learn the material and basically teach myself and in a way it benefited me because when I got to college I was not expecting to have the best math professors but they were amazing, offered extra help, and gave you the time. I feel like experiencing having amazing math teachers and some not so great really opened my eyes as a future teachers to see that anyone can teach it doesn’t make them good, it doesn’t mean the students will learn but that is why as teachers it is our jobs to not only teach the material but be creative, find different ways they can learn, offer the extra time and support and help because they will appreciate it. I only remember the amazing teachers who never gave up on me and that is the teacher I aspire to be. I look forward to this semester and this class because I will finally to be able to be in a classroom and get experience working with students on all subjects. I look forward to this class and learning about how. to create a math lesson plan. Overall when it comes to math it both scares me and makes me happy so I am hoping as this course goes on I will grow to enjoy math more

  21. As a mathematics learner, I see myself as one who needs to watch, follow along, practice, and practice and practice. I struggle with math and tend to over analyze the simplest problems, or my mind goes blank, and it feels like I know nothing. Some people may fly through questions, but I enjoy when one is able to break down the problem and even form steps along the way to help for future problems.
    When working on a math problem I first look at the problem and see if it’s a one- step or multi step problem. I need to plan out what I am going to do, then begin the process of experimenting with numbers and equations. When understanding how to arrive to an answer, I must begin practicing on different ones to retain the steps without looking at it to remember it.
    Dozens and dozens of exams, and experience of arriving slower to an answer in class has made me feel this way. But also, when educators will put me on the spot, it did give me a negative feeling when sharing math problems on how one may have gotten to the answer. But also, when teachers have certain expectations on students, forgetting that we all have different levels of understanding, learning styles, and pace. When one struggles in math, it is important to give students time, to think and talk with peers. When I am getting lost at a problem, I find myself looking up at explanations of other questions to guide myself on how to do the problem or different problems. If not, I begin to watch countless videos of instructors arriving to the problem in different ways to see if doing steps in a different matter will help. When doing math, I must listen to different people explaining, writing steps, and practicing it to reinforce what the problems.

  22. When it comes to math, I feel that it is one of my stronger subjects. I started to love math in high school. Then, when I came to college, it became my favorite subject. I am good at math and I like the challenge that it comes with. I enjoy trying to solve problems and coming up with the correct answer. A fact about me is that in elementary school, I struggled with math so much. It was so hard for me to grasp the new concepts that I learned in math. I was happy that I started to understand it in high school. When it comes to math, I feel that I am a mix of the learner, doer, and teacher. I learn from my teachers and professors. They provide information to me and I jot down notes so that I am able to study them later. I also do the work that they provide. This work includes tests, quizzes, and projects. I am also the teacher. I sometimes teach myself some new math skills, or I teach younger children how to do the math.

    As I mentioned before, I learned that I enjoyed math when I got to high school. In high school, I was both a learner and doer. I had teachers who taught me and I was the doer because I was the one who was taking all of the information in and putting in the work. I became a teacher of math when I started working as an after-school teacher. I was helping children from kindergarten to 5th grade with their math homework. I found myself to be the learner at times too because nowadays, the ways that the students learn are so different than the way I learned. I would go home and watch youtube videos on the new methods that were being used.

    Overall, I really enjoy math and I am so excited to be taking this course. I hope to expand my knowledge and I also hope to be the best math teacher that I can be.

  23. As a mathematics learner I always struggled with math growing up. Math for me was never easy, no matter how much I studied and even gotten help it wasn’t easy. As I gotten older and throughout my college years math for me has become a little bit better to learn and a little bit better to understand however, I still need a lot more practice. The scientific calculator has saved my life in many equations that were hard to do without one. I have faith that this course will teach me what I need to learn to become a great math teacher and help my students learn better and enjoy learning about math. I know the more that I learn and the more that I study I will learn that math isn’t has hard as I think it is. Math requires a lot of memorization. As teacher I will try and make math as fun as possible. I haven’t yet taught math to students hopefully this semester student teaching I am able to help the teacher with a math lesson. Teaching math can be fun to learn.
    Experiences that led me to think this way about myself is because I always try my best in whatever I do. I always want to succeed in my life. Math however, no matter how hard I have tried I never achieved the grade I wanted to. I also, struggled when it came to take math tests which were never easy for me. However, has I’ve gotten to my college years it has become a little better for me which is great. I haven’t taught math to student just yet I am hoping to in the Fall Semester. I am hoping that when we created out lesson plans that I am able to teach it to my fellow classmates to get their feedback and opinions on what they thought about my lesson.

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